midose. is here for you

Like to do things your own way?  midose. is here for you. We know every person is unique, which is why midose. lets you personalize your cannabis experience with easy-to-use, fast-acting microdosed products.

It all began with the Missouri launch of our Verve vape pen on the ultimate cannabis holiday,  4/20.  Tap into your creativity and feel energized with Verve’s invigorating blend of THC/CBD and all-natural botanicals.  Enjoy the full entourage effect of whole-plant cannabis with a refreshing hint of citrus to give your day a vibrant boost.  

midose. puts you in the driver’s seat, letting you control your high. So you can discover your perfect dose and give your body the all-natural support it needs. 

Our vape pens are designed with 3-second draws that allow you to gradually find a dose that gives you the best experience.  You can microdose with confidence, knowing you’re getting the same dose every time.  You won’t find any fillers or any extra stuff in our pens.  That means no PG, VG, MCT, or Vitamin E carrier oil - only high-quality cannabis and botanical blends.  

If vaping isn’t your style,  Melts are on the way - our signature quick-dissolve tablets that give you 3mg THC per tablet, so you can go at your own pace. 

We put you (and nature) first, with third-party testing to ensure our high quality and safety standards.  And all our products come to you in eco-friendly packaging that can be easily recycled  and reused to help keep our planet healthy. 

At midose., we believe cannabis should be simple. Our community of nature enthusiasts is dedicated to helping you curate a personalized cannabis experience. Because sometimes a little Mother Nature is just what you need.  

So what are you waiting for?  With the help of Mother Nature at your fingertips, start the summer off right with a little help from midose. Reconnect with the healing properties of Mother Nature and find your dose.  

You can find midose. across the state of Missouri.

midose. locator

Lindsay Jones