
dosing—but make it simple.

midose. is designed with microdosing in mind—but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. What’s the point of dosing cannabis anyway? And what’s all the jargon about? No sweat—we got you.

Microdosing is taking the “low & slow” approach to cannabis.

If you’ve heard the word titration thrown around—one of those jargon-y terms we mentioned—you might be interested to know that it’s not as complicated as it sounds. In fact, it just refers to the process of finding out how much (or how little) CBD or THC you need to feel the effects you’re looking for. (Consider it the “getting to know you” stage of trying a new strain or product.)

The interesting part is that there’s no such thing as a “standard dose” when it comes to cannabis—because our bodies react to it differently, and there are a ton of factors that can impact how you feel after sampling a new strain. 

Hence: the midose. approach. 

Finding the perfect balance for your body—where you get that feeling you love, whether it’s a surge of creativity or a wave of calm, but you don’t need much to get there—is a personal process. It used to be that there were so many variables around cannabis that it was hard to dial into that perfect experience every time—but that’s why we made midose. When you ditch the confusing call names and less-than-precise special brownies, you can truly take control of your day—and your dose—and find what works for you. That’s the titration process. (See? Told you it wasn’t so compex.)

i’m in. what’s next?

If you’re ready to dive in—remember, it’s not really a “dive in” type of thing. More of a “dip your toe” vibe. But whatever you call it—getting started is simple. Here are a couple tips to get things going.

  1. A little education goes a long way.

    ...And you just got a little education from this page—so you’re already ahead of the game.
    But seriously, a little insight can be great. Having a quick chat with a staffer at your neighborhood dispensary is a smart place to start. They can help suggest products and strains that work for you and are intended to deliver your intended result.
    Not much of a talker? We hear you. We designed midose. to be simple and straightforward to use. There are just 3 varieties to start, and we tell you exactly what to expect from each one—whether it’s calm, clarity, or zzzs. And since each tablet and inhale are precisely measured, you can feel confident that you’re in the sweet spot of that “low and slow” thing we talked about. 

  2. Start a journal.

    Because we know you’ve been trying to be more mindful lately anyway.
    It sounds silly, but it’s true—your best friend in microdosing is yourself (but from, like, 20 minutes ago). Keeping a log of what you did, when (and how it felt) is a great way to track your self-titrating journey. Even if you scribble it down on the back of a coffee shop receipt, writing down the number of 3-second pulls you took from our Hush pen and how you felt ten minutes later can be invaluable info when it comes to fine-tuning your dosage. (Plus, you can cross “work on writing more” off your to-do list.)

  3. Remember less is more.

    The ultimate goal of titration is the find the minimum amount of medicine to obtain the optimal results. (In this case, that “medicine” is cannabis—even though we know midose. doesn’t taste like medicine, obvi.) As you work on fine-tuning your experience, you can slowly work your way up to higher doses (aka more 3-second pulls or more tablets) over time, but finding that sweet spot? That’s about using as little as you can to get the best feeling. (This is about feeling good, remember?)

  4. Change is normal.

    People change all the time. (Remember that freshman year haircut you loved?)
    And that’s totally normal. Your go-to dose of midose. might change over time, or you might need to lighten it up a bit if you take a break from midose. for a little while. Even after you’ve mastered self-titrating (you over-achiever, you), it’s totally expected to mix things up, have days where you use a little less, or switch products when you feel like it. midose. isn’t made to lock you into a routine—it’s made to make your normal routine more customizable, more enjoyable, and more you.

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