product FAQ
what is midose.?
midose. is the answer to “too much of a good thing”. It is a dosable cannabis brand that delivers the effect you want in the dose you need. With consistent blends of THC, CBD, and minor cannabinoids such as CBG and CBN combined with all-natural terpenes, it provides the ability to have full control with each dose. Not too much. Not too little. Just right.
what type of products does midose. offer?
midose. offers quick-dissolve, sublingual products and dose controlled vape pen products. Each product offers 3 effects: Verve for energy, Chill for relaxation and Hush for sleep.
What does sublingual mean?
Sublingual means “under the tongue”. The reason for this method of administration is to allow the medication to enter the bloodstream faster.
what is microdosing?
The act of microdosing is finding the best result from the minimum amount of medicine, in this case Cannabis! midose. products allow for each person to start low and then slowly increase until they find the perfect effect for them.
What is the right dose for me?
Using the dosing approach, midose. products are designed to start slow and slowly increase until you reach the right dose for you. Since each person’s body reacts differently to cannabinoids, each person has their own personalized dosage. Think of what’s “my dose”?
Are midose. products cannabis strain specific?
midose. is not a cannabis strain specific. Products contain consistent blends of THC and CBD and minor cannabinoids like CBN and CBG distillate in combination with specific terpenes to create a desired effect.
What ingredients are in midose. products?
All of our ingredients are sourced with the highest integrity and safe for human consumption. midose. uses no harmful PG, VG, MCT or vitamin E Acetate in any of our vape products and our melts are pharmaceutical grade.
What type of fillers or cutting agents are in midose. products?
None, midose. uses only plant based terpenes in our formulations.
Are midose. products tested?
All midose. products are tested at each stage of the formulation process for pesticides, bacteria, mold, mycotoxins, heavy metals, residual solvents, cannabinoid and terpene profiles.
How do I use the midose. vape pen?
Please know, vaping does take some getting used to and it’s all about trial and error. The midose. Vape pen is a dose controlled, all-in-one device so all you need to do is inhale on the black mouthpiece, watch for the light at the end of the pen to light up and take in as much as is comfortable for you. The light tip will automatically flash after three seconds, alerting you that one dose has been administered. This equals about 3mg of THC. By no means do you need to wait for the light to flash to stop inhaling, it’s just an indicator. The pen will pause but will immediately kick back on for another dose if you don’t stop inhaling.
How are midose. Vape pens extracted and what is in them?
midose. vape pens are made from distillate and are CO2 extracted. The exact cannabinoid and plant based terpene profiles used will vary from product to product but are always listed on the testing sticker. All ingredients are botanically sourced from state licensed laboratories.
How many milligrams is a midose. vape pen?
Each midose. vape pen is 500 mg.
How many doses come in a midose. vape pen?
midose. vape pens have approximately 100 doses based on our dose controlled system.
How long should a midose. vape pen last?
A midose. vape pen should have a battery life of 6 - 12 months.
What type of heating element is used in midose. vape pens?
All midose. vape pens use a ceramic heating element.
Do midose. vape pens need to be charged?
No, midose. vape pens come with a pre-charged battery and do not require any future charging.
What is the proper way to take a midose. Melt?
Melts are designed to melt under your tongue in a few minutes to allow your body to feel effects faster than a traditional edible.
How long will it take for me to feel the effect of a melt?
A person should feel effects within 5-15 minutes.
cannabis & hemp FAQ
what is The difference between CBD and THC?
CBD and THC are both cannabinoids present in the cannabis plant. However, their roles are very different. CBD is non-psychoactive and is responsible for the analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-anxiety properties present in cannabis. Alternatively, THC is the cannabinoid in cannabis that creates the feeling of intoxication (or high).
what is thc?
THC, also called tetrahydrocannabinol, is the cannabinoid molecule in cannabis that is psychoactive and gives you the feeling of being high. People have found THC to help with pain, insomnia, low appetite, nausea and anxiety and other conditions.
what is CBD?
CBD is a cannabis compound that has significant medical benefits but without the psychoactive effect of THC. People have found CBD to help with inflammation, pain, anxiety, psychosis, seizures, spasms and other conditions.
What are cannabinoids?
There are 113 known cannabinoids found in cannabis plants. A cannabinoid is one of a class of diverse chemical compounds that acts on cannabinoid receptors in cells that alter neurotransmitter release in the brain. Cannabinoid receptors are located throughout the body. These cannabinoid receptors are involved in a variety of physiological processes including appetite, pain-sensation, mood and memory.
What are terpenes?
Terpenes are a large and diverse class of organic compounds. Terpenes are the primary constituent of essential oils of many types of medicinal plants and flowers. Synthetic and derivations of natural terpenes also greatly expand the variety of aroma used in perfumery and flavors used in food additives.
What is the entourage effect?
The Entourage Effect is a synergistic effect that results when the many components within the cannabis plant interact with the human body to produce a stronger influence than any one of those components alone.
support FAQ
What do I do if I feel I have a faulty midose. vape pen?
We hope this never happens but occasionally it is possible. Return the pen to the dispensary you purchased it from with the receipt for an exchange or full refund.
I have a business and wish to carry midose. products.
Fantastic! We’d love to be on your shelf. Please contact us at info@midoselife.com and a representative will be in contact with you within 24 hours.
Are you hiring?
We’d love to hear from you! Email info@midoselife.com to apply for a job with midose.