Microdosing: Control your way with Cannabis.
A beginners guide on how to microdose THC…..
So, you’re ready to start microdosing. Or, maybe you’re just curious and want to learn more about how it works. Either way, this is the perfect introduction to the world of microdosing THC. Microdosing cannabis is an amazing way to feel your best with full control.
What is Microdosing?
Whether you heard about microdosing from a friend, the news, or Gweneth Paltrow, there's no doubt that this new way of consuming THC is growing in popularity. Microdosing is exactly what it sounds like - taking microdoses of THC throughout the day. The beauty of microdosing is that you can control the way you feel while reaping all the natural benefits of THC and CBD.
Just like with anything, too much of a good thing can still be too much. Have you ever had the experience of taking too big a pull or eating an edible only to be knocked off your feet for a few hours? It's no fun. That’s where microdosing comes in. It’s the ideal way to find your perfect balance for your day, taking it little by little until you reach your sweet spot. No more worrying about how much or how little cannabis to consume or trying to interpret THC to CBD ratios. You can take control of your doses and truly enjoy the journey to feeling your best.
The benefit to Microdosing is that you can more precisely tailor/calibrate your cannabis intake to your body, your mood, and your needs.
Wait, Will I Feel “High” All Day?
No, you won’t feel high all day (unless you want to). The beautiful thing about microdosing is that it gives you all the medicinal benefits of THC without having to worry about the “high” feeling. You can create a dosing ritual that fits your routine and daily needs. Cannabis products with specifically designed technology that help you microdose small amounts of cannabis, allow you to be in control. Begin with a small amount and slowly build until you find the amount that works best. (Shout out to all my fellow control freaks.)
So you’re saying I have control? Yes. The more technical term for microdosing is “titration,” or as I like to call it “the dating phase.” Titration is the fancy-schmancy way of saying finding the best result from taking the least amount of (in this case) cannabis. It’s all about balance. After all, every house plant needs water, but sometimes too much water does more harm than good.
What are the Benefits of Microdosing?
The benefit to Microdosing is that you can more precisely tailor/calibrate your cannabis intake to your body, your mood, and your needs. It’s like going to a salad bar - you get to curate the perfect experience. Way better than a pre-made salad from the grocery store, right?
THC and its sister cannabinoid CBD can do wonders for easing stress and anxiety. Low-dose products designed for microdosing are especially helpful in managing anxiety or chronic pain because you can still go about your daily life without the “high” side effect. Many cannabis products start at 10 milligrams of THC. But even 10mg may be more than what you actually need to feel calm, focused, or relieve pain. You may only need 5mg or less to get the same therapeutic effects. The goal of microdosing is to find the sweet spot where you are getting the best benefits from the least amount.
How do I get started with Microdosing?
I know this will sound hippy-dippy, but the best place to start is with a little self-reflection. Seriously. Make an intention for how you would like to feel. How does cannabis improve your day? Are you trying to get into the zone at work or the gym? Does cannabis help relieve anxiety? Or maybe you are having trouble falling asleep.
Once you know your microdosing goals, find a cannabis product with a THC to CBD ratio that correlates with your needs. This may be a little trial and error if you’re new to cannabis. That’s okay, just remember you can go at your own pace. Talk to someone at your local dispensary to get a sense of what products could work for you. What? I have to go into a store and talk to people? I thought this was the 21st century. Don’t worry, you can still start your microdosing journey safely and effectively with the help of vape pens or quick dissolve tablets specifically designed for microdosing. These products are a great place to start because they help you control the dosage. Brands like midose. tell you how many milligrams are in a 3-second pull or a single quick dissolve tablet, so you know exactly how much THC you are consuming each time.
Things to Keep in Mind When Microdosing for the First Time
Play the Long Game
The whole methodology behind titration is to introduce a new medicine (in this case, THC) slowly, to reach the optimal result using the least amount. Microdosing is the exact opposite of that time you took a big bong hit at a college party and swore off smoking ever again. The whole point of microdosing is to acknowledge that your body is unique and there is no singular dosage that works for everyone. Let’s be real, the whole “one size fits all” never works. You can let go of any fears about being knocked off your feet by THC.
Once you know your microdosing goals, find a cannabis product with a THC to CBD ratio that correlates with your needs.
If you are already a regular cannabis consumer, you may want to take a few days off before beginning your microdosing journey to allow your endocannabinoid system to recalibrate. This reverses any tolerance you may have built up.
Keep Notes
Microdosing is like being your own detective. Everyone’s body is different and it’s up to you to find the right dosage that provides your desired effect. When it comes to microdosing, it’s best to take it slowww. Just like dating, it’s better to get to know your dosages before going all the way. A great way to do this is by - yes, you guessed it - taking notes. Make a little note in your phone (or journal if you’re into old-fashioned pen and paper) each time you take a microdose. Then wait, see how you feel, and take note of it. See? Nice and controlled.
Listen to Your Body
Remember, your body is constantly changing. So don’t be surprised if your ideal microdose levels also change over time. Like with all relationships, your needs change depending on how you feel. Everyone’s body interacts differently with cannabis because we all have a unique endocannabinoid system (ESC). The endocannabinoid system helps maintain equilibrium in the body by regulating different physiological functions. Cannabinoid receptors are located throughout your body and are a key component in regulating many internal processes that impact your appetite, mood, pain-sensation, and even your memory. THC and CBD cannabinoids are able to attach to these receptors, working with your body to respond to internal and external stressors.
Microdose with Confidence
Hopefully, this roadmap gave you the knowledge and tools to discover how microdosing cannabis can enrich your daily life. Cannabis shouldn’t ever feel scary or overwhelming. Nature has provided a powerful remedy to support your body and mind as you navigate through life. Microdosing gives you control.