Incorporating Cannabis Into Your Active LifeStyle

From Workouts to Wind Downs - How Cannabis Helps you feel Supported and Less Stressed

It’s the golden age of cannabis. And we all have sh*t to do.  So raise your hand if you’re ready to say goodbye to the outdated assumption that cannabis slows you down.  Because the truth is, cannabis can actually help you feel more energized and balanced during even your busiest day.  Modern cannabis culture is embracing the ways cannabis improves recovery post workouts, helps you maintain focus, and reduces stress when you’re on the verge of spinning out.  Finding the perfect balance of cannabis in your daily life is all about dosage. That’s why all midose. products deliver smaller doses, so you have the ability to find the doses that make you feel your best.  That’s right, even Type-A overachievers are finally admitting that cannabis rules. 


Cannabis For When Stress Gets You Down

It’s not always sunshine and rainbows. For many of us, our work schedules seem to be getting busier and busier - even if you’re working from home.  Hopping from one meeting to the next is exhausting.  Zoom fatigue is real.  The buildup of small demands throughout the day can start to have an impact on your daily stress levels. Which isn’t fun - to put it politely.  Keeping so many spinning plates in the air can be exhausting and lead to chronic stress or burnout.  My heart is palpitating just thinking about it.   Living in a constant state of stress increases the amount of cortisol in your body - a major stress hormone. Elevated cortisol levels can lead to fatigue, irritability, and anxiety.  The good news is that cannabis can help you feel more balanced in your daily life.  One study found that cannabis may increase resilience to stress. It’s all about finding the right dose of cannabis that helps you feel calmer and take the edge off when you want to avoid a stress spiral. 

Cannabis In Your Workout Routine 

A morning run, the gym, or your favorite yoga session…any way you choose to move your body serves as a form of self-care. Movement and exercise are essential to physical and mental wellbeing. Exercise helps decrease anxiety and feelings of depression. Contrary to the stereotype that cannabis makes you a couch potato, the right dose of cannabis can actually be the perfect complement to your workout. 

A growing number of gym enthusiasts and athletes are embracing cannabis as part of their workout routine. Some people feel that cannabis gives them more focus and feel more in their bodies.  Others find cannabis helps them push through to a new personal record.  And many simply say it makes working out more enjoyable.  Talk about a runner's “high.” 

The anti-inflammatory property of cannabis is especially helpful when it comes to workout recovery. In a 600 person survey, psychologist Angela Bryan found that 70% of people self-reported using cannabis to help with recovery after working out and training.  Many athletes profess that cannabis helps them recover faster. Who doesn’t want a faster, less sore recovery?  Cannabis has become so popular among athletes, that even the National Football League has partnered with the players’ union to commission 1 million dollars worth of grants toward research on the therapeutic benefits of cannabis and CBD.  #LetShaCarriRun  

Who knows, a dose of cannabis may be just what you need to run that extra mile. 

Cannabis Wind-Down Is The New Happy Hour

Who doesn’t like a good happy hour? But let's be real, happy hour after work always seems like a fun idea…until it isn’t. And you get home way later than you planned, rush to order food, and go to bed feeling less-than-productive.  Cutting back on alcohol is a growing trend, as people opt out of sluggish mornings and puffy morning faces, and opt in to being what is lovingly called “California sober:” Avoiding booze and saying yes to cannabis. At least during the workweek. 

Cannabis offers a natural way to unwind and helps you get a good night’s rest.  Pair your favorite wind-down dose with dinner, game night, or catching up on emails at the end of the day.  

Sleep Like You’ve Always Dreamed Of

Ah, yes. Sleep. Everyone loves a good night’s sleep. But if you’re one of the 70% of adults who have a hard time getting a good night’s sleep, then cannabis may be your golden ticket. Or should I say green ticket?  Cannabis offers a great alternative to pharmaceutical sleep medications.  Many veterans and others living with chronic pain or post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD) find cannabis helpful for sleeping through the night. Cannabis increases your adenosine levels -  a natural compound that signals your body to feel sleepy. Throughout the day, your adenosine levels gradually rise, until you are ready for bed. As you sleep, your adenosine levels go back down, leaving you feeling refreshed in the morning.  

What’s the best way to use cannabis for better sleep?  If you’re new to cannabis, start slow. The best dose for falling asleep depends on your body’s particular chemistry. THC can either make you feel energized or sleepy, depending on how much you consume and the ratio of CBD and CBN present.  This is why many cannabis brands create sleep-specific strains or blends.  How effective a cannabis product is at helping you fall asleep (and stay asleep) depends on the dose you consume, the ratio of THC to CBD and CBN, and the effects of other herbal or botanical ingredients. 

In a world that advertises one-stop-shop solutions to health and wellness, cannabis offers a holistic and personalized approach to feeling your best.  Listening to your body and getting specific about what feels good empowers you in your personal wellness journey. With midose. you can find the doses that work best for you in any situation - from 3mg to 30mg. As you move throughout your day, you can adjust your dose to what feels best for your body at that moment.  It’s your body and you’re in control.  So get out there and be the busy bee that you are…but with a little less stress and a little more balance.

Kate Simpson