Let’s Talk Sex...And Cannabis

Find the Dose that Makes you Feel in the Mood.  Be in the Moment and Get Intimate this Valentine’s Day (and Every Day).

Oolala! It’s that time of year, when red roses, heart-shaped chocolates, and miniature teddy bears line the isles of every store. The month when you suddenly get the urge to treat yourself to a fancy bottle of wine and watch all your favorite rom coms. Yep, it’s almost V-Day. And love is in the air…depending on the year. February is a time for romance, a fun Galentine's Day with friends, or…a time when old exes and missed connections make you feel a little sad. Or maybe you just spend the month trying to avoid the cheesiness of the industrial romantic complex. I mean, isn’t Valentine’s Day just another corporate holiday designed to make you buy candy? That actually doesn’t sound that bad. ANYWAY. No matter how you’re feeling this year, there is one thing that can bring a little more joy and sensuality into your life - whether you’re with someone or flying solo: Cannabis.

Humans have always done things to help us get in the mood for romance. From candlelight and music to set the vibe; to herbs, liquors, and tonics. We are obsessed with finding ways to feel more intimate and have better, more enjoyable sex. While cannabis got its modern claim to fame in the 60s and 70s for being associated with the free-loving hippie generation, this 7-leafed plant has long been used to heighten communal experiences. That’s right, Babylonians, Egyptians, Romans, and even Vikings all have historical accounts of using hemp and cannabis. Speaking of romance… In India, the ancient practice of Tantrism combines sex, yoga, and cannabis to reach spiritual awakening. Do I have your attention yet?  

To be clear. When it comes to sensuality and sex, we are all different. With something so personal, your social, neurological, and psychological history all play a part in how you experience intimacy and sex. Also, other factors go into making a sexual experience feel ‘satisfactory’ - like your relationship with your partner, your mood, the lighting, how much you ate for dinner - just to name a few. We’re all working with our unique neurochemical makeup. The ultimate goal is always to have a safe, pleasurable experience - whatever that means to you. We’re all just trying to have a good time. So if canna-curious and want to try incorporating cannabis into your sex life - let’s get started!

Does Cannabis Make Sex Better? 

You know when you are so worried about something going “right” that the stress prevents you from being present in the moment? This mind-trickery is pretty common when it comes to sex. So many of us feel pressure to perform well, reach orgasm, or to just be “sexy” that we get stuck in our heads. Sensuality, intimacy, and sex are things we all have personal experiences with, but talking about it can still feel a little awkward. If romance and sex bring up feelings of stress or anxiety, you’re not alone. 

Why is enjoying cannabis to feel more connected and sensual so popular? The road to a pleasurable sexual experience is strongly tied to feelings of connection and intimacy. Many people find cannabis helps them relax, open up emotionally, and intensify their sensual experience. Literally. Cannabis increases your blood flow and enhances your sensitivity to touch. Now we’re talking. 

Cannabis in the body 

Cannabis interacts with your body by locking into Endocannabinoid System (ECS) receptors that are located throughout your body and brain. Through an intricate messaging system, your ECS is constantly working to keep your body in a state of homeostasis. 

The two most popular cannabinoids found in cannabis, Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and Cannabidiol (CBD) can interact with your ECS like your body’s own endocannabinoids. These cannabis cannabinoids interface with your hormones and neurotransmitters (signaling molecules) to impact your sexual behavior. Both THC and CBD help you feel more in your body. Easing mental anxiety and physical tension can be just what the love doctor ordered when it comes to feeling more present in intimate moments. Cannabis may even increase your sex drive.

Say what? It’s true. In one study, women reported feeling “increases in sex drive, improvement in orgasm, decrease in pain, but no change in lubrication.” Shall I continue? Another data review found that “people who used marijuana had 20 percent more sex than those who did not, and this applied to both genders.” And some even go so far as to call cannabis an aphrodisiac. Ding ding ding!  While everyone’s definition of “satisfaction” or “good sex” is different, you get the dominating message is that cannabis helps a lot of people feel good in the bedroom. 

Finding Your Sexiest Dose

Maybe you’ve been hesitant toward cannabis in the bedroom because of worries that you’ll end up feeling too high or distracted. Totally valid - especially if you have a few bad memories from your college party days. For some, too much of a good thing can cause more anxiety. A wonderful way to find out how cannabis in the bedroom can work for you is with products that are dosable. 

Dosage is so important for having a good time. Products like midose. are designed to make it easy to microdose. This gives you the ability to start small and build up until you find your…sweet spot. If you’re new to cannabis, midose. lets you start small and build up until you discover the dose that makes sparks fly. Already a seasoned cannabis lover? midose. helps you narrow in on your favorite doses and provides consistent delivery. So you can enjoy whatever romance the night (or day) brings. 

It’s all individual. What makes you feel good. What turns you on. And just like everything else - it’s all unique to YOU. Cannabis is nature’s way of helping you feel more present and connected in your sexual life. Find the dose that gets you in the mood for love. 

Cannabis in the Bedroom

The exploration of how you and your partner enjoy cannabis can be a fun and romantic journey in itself. When it comes to finding ways to be intimate, it’s not always something physical. Sometimes the act of doing something together can bring two humans together. Like sharing cannabis. There is a plethora of other fun cannabis and CBD-only products that are designed to make your romantic moments feel even better - like vape pens, mints, and lube. Our midose. products make it easier to share the experience on the same level. Allowing each person to find their own favorite dose. Who knows, this Valentine’s day bringing cannabis into your romance may be the new spark you’ve been looking for. So you can get the most out of your evening. If you know what I mean.

Kate Simpson