Tap Into Your Creative Flow

Finding the dose that inspires you.

How cannabis, nature, and a little self-love can help you feel more creative.

Creativity comes in different forms for everyone. Maybe you’re an artist or writer that’s been feeling blocked. Or perhaps you’ve been having trouble accessing your imagination or creativity at work.  We’ve all had moments when we feel less-than-inspired. Or days when we need a little help thinking outside of the box. With so much pressure to be productive, it’s easy to put all our focus on work, family, or romantic partners, and not leave any time for creative activities. I get it. Who has time to draw or play an instrument when there’s a new season of Love Island? But the truth is that creativity is an essential aspect of mental and emotional balance.

But how do you nurture your creativity?  You know what I’m about to say: cannabis. Unlock your creative intuition and problem-solving skills with Mother Nature’s favorite plant. Throughout history, many artists, musicians, and writers have attested that cannabis helps them tap into their creative side. Even respected business leaders have credited cannabis as being helpful when it comes to finding new ways to problem solve and focus. That’s why midose. designs cannabis products that allow you to find the dose that makes you feel your most inspired. 

So take a moment to reconnect and get your creative juices flowing…with the help of cannabis.

Sparking Creativity

When I say cannabis you think…  Bob Marley? Willie Nelson? Consuming cannabis has long been part of and associated with musicians, painters, and all creative cultures. Artistic legends like William Shakespeare, Louis Armstrong, and Pablo Picasso are said to be among the many famous (and not so famous) artists who have enjoyed a little bud.

But beyond being poeticized in lyrics, is there an actual correlation between cannabis and creativity?  Turns out, it’s all about the brain. 

The Science Behind Creativity

Have you ever taken one of those online quizzes to find out if you’re more Left or Right-brained?   Besides being a fun way to procrastinate, those quizzes are based on science.  Researchers believe we each pull from the different sides of our brains a little differently which can lead to certain personality traits being more dominant - like creativity. Cool, but what does that have to do with cannabis? 

Drum roll, please! There is a scientific connection between cannabis and feeling creative...or, at least divergent. The effect of consuming cannabis has been found to be connected to what scientists call divergent thinking.

What is divergent thinking?  No, it’s not another film starring Shailene Woodley.  Divergent thinking is what your boss means when they ask you to “think outside the box.”  It’s akin to creative thinking, but less about originality or imagination and more to do with brainstorming, and finding new ways to tackle problems. 

Divergent and creative thinking are both associated with the frontal lobe of the brain. When you consume cannabis, the blood flow to this part of the brain increases. This stimulates the brain, inspiring you to get outside your normal patterns of thought. Whether this inspiration is for a new painting or a unique business plan is up to you. 

Studies suggest that cannabis provides the best creative boost at lower doses. After a certain point, you come to a dose with diminishing returns. This is why dosing cannabis to suit your body and needs is so important.  What makes you feel inspired depends on your physical chemistry and makeup. Products like midose. put you in control of your dosage - making it easy to start small and build up until you find your creative dose. Whether it’s 3mg or 20mg, midose. helps you destress, boost your mood, and hit your creative stride.  

Encourage a Little More Creativity

Maybe the idea of “being creative” generates a kind of dread or pressure within you to be “good” at it.  When you put too much pressure on yourself to be creative, all the inspiration and fun can evaporate - leaving you feeling more anxious than imaginative. Many of us decide we aren’t the creative type after being shamed or judged as children. That one terrible band experience or mean dance teacher can put a bad taste in your mouth that lingers into adulthood. But creative activity doesn’t only apply or relate to artistic pursuits. Things like exploring new places, doing puzzles, or learning a new skill are all things that help increase new brain synapses and support your sense of creativity.  So here’s a little encouragement to let loose and reconnect to the creative part of you that’s been inside all along. 

Get Inspired


Get Inspired 〰️

New Ways to Nurture Your Creative Self

Mix up your routine

Sometimes…you need to do something different.  It’s amazing how quickly we can get stuck in a rut or pattern. A change doesn’t have to be big or dramatic. It can be as simple as taking a different route to work, wearing a new shade of lipstick, or saying hello to someone you normally walk right past. When you step outside your comfort zone, your brain has to engage in a new way, turning on a new sense of awareness and presence. Plus, who knows! You may also be surprised by what you discover.  You might stumble upon a beautiful park, a new friend, or a mode of self-expression.

Go On A Date…With Yourself.

Take yourself out!  Yes, I said it. This is not a group activity.  This is purely YOU time.  Set aside an hour (at least) to take yourself out.  Spend this time trying a new restaurant or food truck you’ve been pining over. Do an activity, or visit a store or a place that sounds fun. Allow yourself to follow your natural curiosity without worrying about what others may think.  Do something that you may otherwise consider frivolous or unnecessary. Visit a museum, an aquarium. or sign up for a new class.  Trying new things can take you out of a rut. Be a beginner again. Ever wanted to learn how to pickle?  Go do it. Author Julia Camron in The Artist's Way calls these “artist dates.” In her words, “There is always one action you can take for your creativity daily.”

Get Some Fresh Air

When was the last time you spent a day outside? Turns out there is literal science behind the benefit of “getting some air.”  Being outside helps jog the brain, awaken the senses, and calm the nervous system. There’s even a term for it: Eco Therapy. Some therapists and doctors are even “prescribing” time in nature. Because sometimes a little Mother Nature is just what the doctor ordered. 

Practice being present with yourself in your environment. Instead of listening to music or a podcast, try walking in silence. I KNOW, so weird. Calm the mind by counting all the different colors you see. Feel the joy of being outdoors!  Maybe it’s time for some good old-fashioned swinging. A little fun never hurt anyone. 

Write it Down

Okay, I know, “write in your journal” is a cliche piece of advice.  But maybe the intentions behind WHY you are writing in your journal could use a new focus. Instead of buying a classic diary-like journal, maybe go to an art supply store and pick out a sketchbook with blank pages. I also like to go wild in the pencil and pen aisle. Colorful sharpies? YES. Glitter gel pens? HELL YES. Looking at a blank page can feel so much more freeing than a page of lines you might feel pressure to fill with poetic insights.  Free-flow journal.  Write down any thoughts or feelings that come to mind. Draw, doodle, or make lists. Write down whatever comes to mind - without the pressure of thinking that maybe a distant descendent will one day read it. 

This is something you can incorporate into your daily routine. Bring your notebook with you on lunch breaks, to your new favorite cafe or park.  Who knows what stories, ideas, or new revelations might strike you?  Let yourself be surprised - that in itself can spark creativity.


I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling a little more creative already. 

Kate Simpson