Why So Many Are Choosing Cannabis Over Alcohol
Keep the Good Vibes & Wellness Going Past Dry January
Whether you had a dry January, a damp January, or are considering making a more permanent shift in your alcohol consumption, the beginning of the year is a popular time to re-evaluate your health and wellness patterns.
Now, I’m not trying to start a smear campaign against alcohol - we’re not judging anyone’s choices. But, if you are hitting the snooze button on alcohol, we’ve got some good news for you: cannabis is just as fun. Cannabis offers social relaxation without the same physical aftermath as alcohol. Many people report feeling more clear-headed the day after cannabis use compared to the grogginess often associated with alcohol consumption. Not only may cannabis help ease social anxiety and unleash your party mode, but cannabis also comes with some real medicinal benefits. Cannabis cannabinoids, like THC, CBD, CBN, and CGB have been found to help calm the mind, reduce inflammation, and help with pain management. Effect-based products like midose. make it easy to find the doses that work best with your body, making your cannabis journey even more fun.
So say goodbye to hangovers and hello to feeling good. If one of your goals in 2024 is to focus more on health and wellness, you may want to keep reading...
All the Fun Without the Hangover
So why are so many people turning to cannabis as an alternative to booze? I like to break it down into three important categories: The Physical, The Mental, and The Long-term. Basically, cannabis offers a way to let loose and have fun with friends, you won’t feel like sh*t the next morning, and the long-term benefits of cannabis way surpass those of alcohol. Let’s take a closer look at the three categories.
The Physical - Cannabis vs Alcohol
When comparing cannabis with alcohol, I just want to say that I am not a doctor. Any health questions surrounding either substance should be discussed with your doctor. That being said, I think most people would agree that the physical cost of consuming alcohol can be no fun. Hangovers, headaches, nausea, fatigue…you know the drill. Even if you stick to one or two drinks, as we age, this can be enough to impact your next day. Why? There are a few reasons. It’s easy to get dehydrated when drinking, alcohol disrupts our sleep cycle, when we consume more alcohol than our body can process we get sick, and over time excessive alcohol consumption has been shown to cause organ damage. Not to mention the calories! The average beer weighs in at around 150 calories. A glass of wine can range from 110 - 200 calories. Again - I have nothing against a glass of Pinot Noir…I’m just highlighting the fact that drinking regularly adds significantly to your caloric intake.
On the flip side, cannabis tends to have way fewer physical side effects for most people. In fact, cannabis has long been recognized for its pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties. Enjoying cannabis is far less likely to negatively impact the morning after. And from personal experience, the “hangover” feels more like being extra warm and cozy…almost like recovering from having too much sleep. That sounds pretty good compared to blood sugar crashes, headaches, dehydration, or feeling fatigued…right? Okay, maybe I am a little biased…but you can’t deny one sounds better than the other. While alcohol disrupts sleep patterns, cannabis can help you sleep better.
I don’t know about you, but a good night’s rest is at the top of my list when it comes to feeling my best.
The Mental - Cannabis vs. Alcohol
Excessive consumption of alcohol can contribute to mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. I know it sounds antithetical because the first couple of drinks can make you feel less anxious, more social, and more relaxed. However, alcohol can disrupt the balance of neurotransmitters (chemical messengers) in your brain, which leads to more negative feelings, anxiety, or feelings of depression - especially with regular consumption over time.
Cannabis, on the other hand, is known for its potential calming effects. Many users report feelings of relaxation and stress relief without the same negative impact on mental health that excessive alcohol consumption can bring.
Cannabis (like alcohol) can increase feelings of calm and relaxation - and can make you feel “high” rather than drunk. However, cannabis is processed very differently in the body and brain. This is mostly due to the body’s Endocannabinoid System (ECS), which helps regulate physical functions like emotional processing, sleep, pain control, inflammatory and immune responses, learning, and memory. Think of this system as a bridge between the body and mind. Cannabis cannabinoids are naturally able to interact with your ECS. In particular, THC can lock into your ECS receptors, which are located in the brain, central nervous system, and peripheral organs.
Everybody’s body and experience are unique. Like with everything in life. If you struggle with depression or already take anti-depressant medication, it’s important to talk about alcohol or cannabis consumption with your health provider.
The Long-Term - Cannabis vs. Alcohol
When it comes to long-term effects, cannabis seems to be winning. Research done at the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience at the University of Colorado Boulder found that long-term alcohol consumption changed the structure of white matter and gray matter in the brain. In other words, it impaired brain function. Gray matter is where our nerve cells live. White matter brain tissue is where nerve cells transmit impulses to other cells. Kent Hutchison, who co-authored the study said, the worst-case scenario is that “...while marijuana may also have some negative consequences, it definitely is nowhere near the negative consequences of alcohol.”
One major plus of cannabis is that it offers a wide range of customizable effects! Different cannabis strains and products are formulated to enhance your experience - whether that be to give you a boost of focus and energy, calm feelings of anxiety, or promote better sleep. With all these varying effect-based products, we can choose the ones that suit our desired outcome, whether that’s relaxation, creativity, or focus. This level of customization isn’t really possible with alcohol.
Another reason you may prefer cannabis over booze is…it’s just a better vibe. Cannabis can have a more appealing social dynamic compared to alcohol. To many, cannabis facilitates a more relaxed and mellow social atmosphere without the potential for aggression or tears associated with excessive alcohol consumption. So, sometimes cannabis is just more of a desired vibe.
Where to Start with Cannabis
If you’re canna-curious but aren’t sure where to start, no problem. Here are a few tips!
Start slow.
There’s no point in going from 0 to 100. The first time you try any product, enjoy a small dose first. Wait, and see how you feel. You may find that a small dose is all you need to feel great. Or, you may decide to try a bigger dose next time. Everyone’s body metabolizes cannabis in its own way, so getting personal about your doses puts you in control and helps you find your desired effects! That’s why I love products like midose. that make it easy to dose reliably and consistently every time.
Pay attention to the type of cannabis you are enjoying.
For instance, if you are about to go out with friends, you probably will want to try the midose. VERVE blend because it is enhanced with natural terpenes and botanicals designed to boost your energy and focus. If you need a moment to recenter and release stress, the midose. CHILL blend may help you relax. But if you’re headed to bed, the midose. HUSH blend would be perfect for finding deeper rest.
Find out which way you like to enjoy cannabis.
I know, this is the fun part. The days of smoking out of an apple are gone - unless that’s your thing. The best way to explore is by finding a local dispensary. Budtenders are your best friends when it comes to helping you traverse your cannabis journey. They can help hash out (pun intended) the effects you want to experience and guide you to plenty of cannabis options. Maybe you are planning on using cannabis more recreationally, or perhaps you need help falling asleep or dealing with chronic pain. Or…if you’re like me, all of the above.
So there you have it. I’m sure in the next five to ten years we’ll have an even greater understanding of cannabis, alcohol, and our overall body chemistry. But until then, I hope this blog has given you some food for thought as you continue your wellness journey.