A Focus on Wellness
A New Year’s Guide to Finding Your Holistic Happy Place
There’s never a bad time for a reset. But since the year is almost over, a lot of us are thinking about setting goals and new intentions for 2024. Now is a time to reflect on the aspects of our lives we want to keep, what we need to let go of, and what we want to cultivate as we move through the coming year. A great place to start is your physical and mental balance. From our inception, midose. vape and melt blends have been curated with cannabinoids, terpenes, and natural enhancers designed to heighten our daily experience. There are many things in life that we cannot control, but focusing on how we treat ourselves is a constant practice in self-care that can help enrich our daily lives.
cannabis in wellness
For centuries, cannabis has been used as a natural remedy. Cannabis has proven especially helpful for those seeking relief from PTSD/anxiety, epilepsy, muscle spasms, nausea, and insomnia. We now have the most research we’ve ever had on why the cannabis plant can holistically work with our bodies. It’s all about cannabinoids - natural compounds found in cannabis.
The most popular cannabinoids are Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and Cannabidiol (CBD), but there are over 100 different cannabis cannabinoids including others you may have heard of like CBN and CBG. What makes cannabinoids so special is their ability to interact with our Endocannabinoid System (ECS). That’s right, our human bodies have endocannabinoids and endocannabinoid receptors throughout our entire nervous system, including the brain. “Endo” means “inner.” The ECS is a constant feedback loop among your endocannabinoid receptors [CB1 (mostly found in the brain) and CB2 (found mostly in your peripheral organs)] that helps regulate essential biological functions, like sleep, mood, memory, and appetite.
THC can bind or unlock with your ECS receptors, just like endocannabinoids. When THC binds with your CB1 receptors it helps increase the release of dopamine. And voila! The effect is a sense of euphoria and a dampening of pain sensations. Otherwise known as the “high” effect that can be so fun.
CBD doesn’t bind to your ECS receptors as THC does, which is why it doesn’t produce the same psychoactive effect as THC. Instead, CBD acts more like a modifier, influencing the surrounding biological mechanisms by its ability to increase levels of serotonin and delay the breakdown of Anandamide - your so-called “bliss” molecule.
Cannabis for Inflammation
Inflammation has been a health buzzword for a while, but what exactly is inflammation and why should we be paying attention to it?
I should start by saying that inflammation isn’t inherently bad. It is a natural and necessary bodily response to harmful stimuli or injuries like a scraped knee, ear infection, or allergy irritants. This is called acute inflammation, which is your body working to kill and limit the spread of pathogens, destroy harmful microbes, reduce the spread of infection, and repair damage. Acute inflammation normally lasts a few hours or days.
Chronic inflammation is a different story. When the inflammation response lingers longer than normal, the body is left in a constant state of alert. This long-term inflammation can last months or even years and can lead to the development of illnesses like rheumatoid arthritis or diabetes.
While science has known cannabis is an anti-inflammatory, the exact internal mechanisms are not completely understood. According to current research, it’s now believed that cannabinoids are valuable anti-inflammatory agents because of their ability to suppress the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines.
Cool, but what does that mean? To put it simply, our immune system works through a signaling system involving white blood cells called leukocytes. When these white blood cells detect a foreign pathogen, they release cytokines (proteins that act as messengers) to alert the body and start the inflammation response. This is the standard order of operations in how Acute Inflammation helps to heal the body. However, when Acute Inflammation turns into Chronic Inflammation, the level of cytokines can be thrown out of whack. Too many cytokines can lead to a heightened inflammatory response. Too much inflammation can lead to other harmful conditions like autoimmune diseases and metabolic disorders.
Once again, the importance of balance within the body is apparent. While we are still discovering exactly how cannabis can be used medically, it’s amazing to realize that a plant can interact with our bodies in such a profound way. And to be super clear, I’m not saying cannabis is the cure for autoimmune diseases or metabolic disorders. Please consult your doctor if you’re worried about serious health conditions.
Start the Day off Right
One way to focus more on personal wellness is by incorporating a morning ritual into your daily life. Morning rituals are a powerful way to promote mindfulness and set a positive tone for the day ahead. Believe me, I know how hard it is to set your alarm earlier, but even just 30 minutes to focus on yourself can be a game changer. Once you get in the groove, that extra 30 minutes will start to feel like something to look forward to.
A great way to get started with a morning ritual is by starting with whatever feels easiest. This isn’t about torturing yourself into getting up early to go for a run. No shade - I know some people find running enjoyable. A morning ritual is all about helping you set a positive intention for the rest of your day. A transition time for you to check in with how you’re feeling mentally and emotionally. A private time to be with yourself, so you can notice the thoughts or feelings that may be making you feel stuck and release any self-judgment. It’s 100% YOUR time. So that you can enter your day feeling grounded in your truth.
Not sure where to start? I’m a big fan of putting my cell phone in a drawer, making a big cup of tea or coffee, and doing a bit of free-fall writing. Write down anything that pops into your mind - it could be a dream you had, a worry about the day, or a lingering emotion from the day before. Without judgment write what comes to mind, reflect, and see where that takes you. If you’re someone who likes a little jumpstart to your day, our midose. VERVE blend was developed to help give you that extra oomph, mental alertness, and sense of creativity.
Let go of what doesn’t serve you and set the tone for your day.
More Mind-Body Connection
Celebrate what your body can do! Find a movement practice that brings you joy. Whether it's yoga, pilates, dance, or a nature-inspired workout, taking the time to move your body regularly not only enhances physical health, it also contributes to mental clarity and emotional balance. Moving your body doesn’t have to mean finding the motivation to get to the gym every day. Get out of your head and into your body. Stretch in the morning or before bed. Take a walk during your lunch break. Movement can be an opportunity for you to connect with your body, how you’re feeling, and where you may be holding unnecessary tension.
Cultivate a strong mind-body connection through weekly or daily movement practices that aren’t centered around weight or fitness goals, like yoga, meditation, or dance. Explore different activities and find what resonates with you, allowing yourself the space to connect with your breath, release tension, and embrace the present moment.
Even during the busiest days, taking the time to care for your mental and physical state is beneficial to long-term health. No one has time for burnout. Our midose. blend CHILL is formulated with the addition of CBG to help you reconnect with your body. Because sometimes we need a little help letting go of stress and finding our happy place.
It’s All About Restorative Sleep
Quality sleep is the unsung hero of holistic wellness. Prioritizing quality rest helps maintain mental function and physical health. While we sleep, our breathing slows down and our muscles relax, leaving our body with more time to focus on other things - like repairing and healing from the day. Not getting enough rest can lead to a weaker immune system, slower metabolism, and mental brain fog. Serious sleep deprivation has also been tied to a higher risk for diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease.
Prioritize a restful night's sleep by creating a calming bedtime routine. Dim the lights and put away your digital screens to help signal your body to produce melatonin - our natural sleep hormone. Instead of scrolling through TikTok, unwind with a good book or practice gentle stretches to signal to your body that it's time to relax.
Our midose. HUSH blend is the perfect wind-down companion, made with CBN to encourage deep restorative sleep. A good night’s rest rejuvenates the body and mind, setting you up for a successful day.